Stories from the Mill: Shop Classes with Edith & Heman Chase

On Wednesday, September 30, our third A Sense of Place event, Stories from the Mill: Shop Classes with Edith & Heman Chase, continued to explore the stories, history, and qualities that make Chase's Mill and Mill Hollow unique. For this event, a few people who took part in those legendary Shop Classes taught by Edith and Heman Chase reminisced about their experiences and shared what they learned not only about woodworking, but also about life. Moderated by the Chase's grandson, Jonathan Botkin, we also explored why we believe it's important to create similar opportunities and connections for current and future generations.

Jonathan Botkin, is a mechanical engineer who has worked on renewable energy for the past 30 years. In his youth, he spent much time in the mill with Heman, learning about water power, wood working, and even a little bit about land surveying. Jonathan lives in California with his wife and son, and three dogs.

You can watch the recording of the event on our YouTube Channel or click below.

Beginning on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Chase's Mill launched a monthly series of virtual gatherings entitled, A Sense of Place, and continued to explore the stor...

This video and the virtual programming event were made possible by a grant from New Hampshire Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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